dinsdag 29 april 2014


Vloeistofcontainer en transport

Camelbak Eddy insulated


CAD Dimensioning arm

I made a parametric CAD assembly of the arm with a rough representation of the head and seat (top view)
and changed the numbers up till they made for a good end result.

Movie of the moving model

First three pictures are the opening of the arm:

Detail of the closed arm

maandag 28 april 2014


Arm + treksysteem + rekkers (keert terug)



Works just fine both ways return verry fast


due to dead moments the multiple elastics had to be used.



draw weight has increased but not tremendously still verry doable.


returns maybe a bit to fast for comfort


Arm + treksysteem (zonder terug te keren) (movie with 31)

 Miniature version of the final product (spuug maquette)
>Arm can extend
>Arm can not return without enabling the release
>Minimal force required



Works just fine one way return system is not jet implemented




Way less resistance then expected (and will be even further reduced with proper production techniques and materials.


gear gets damaged due to prototype material choices.
not car friendly (release broke)

Pulley system and release (yellow) detail

Pulley system and release (yellow) detail


Blokage Systeem

Linear blockage system when you pull r to l there is no resistance but when you pull l to r you can't move.
This is changed when you reach the end of the system then you can return to the original position.



Works just fine one way.


not really the needed solution




knots in the rope made returning impossible and with smaller nots the rope slid through the drop.