dinsdag 18 maart 2014

25 - Feedback

+ Good overview of the problem
+ Nice solutions
? Dripping problem! What if hot coffee drips and spills on the subject?
--> look at existing solutions


boog armsysteem


Arm mechanisme mono stabiel

22 - Current solution selected from matrix

Reservoir: thermic bottle
Tube: from the bottom of the bottle, through the cap, connector piece, insulated tube
Mouthpiece: Standard Camelbak mouthpiece
Tubemount: moveable mount that can be moved by the dog

21 - Update Selectionmatrix


An insulated tube:

This product solves some of the problems we still have.
- Keeping the coffee warm inside the tube.
- Making the tube exchangable.

dinsdag 11 maart 2014


Thermos met ventiel


thermos zonder ventiel


Test of 'necklace' drinkaid.


Test with the lasercutted 'arm'


During our last consult someone said they tought the person would have problems drinking from the straw. In that  case we would have to seek out some kind of pressure/ dosing mechanism.

During the visit I first tested if the person could drink regular water from a normal Camelbak. Seeing the first experiment succeed I decided to try a second one with hot coffee.

user drinking coffee (half the thermos)


  • person can drink from a straw (of normal camelbak lenght)
  • person can drink (verry) hot beverages from said straw
  • person does not like sugar in coffee.
  • be carefull screwing the lid on it leaks quite easily